Studying at Cambridge can be challenging: the terms are short and fast-paced and the academic standards are high. So we support students throughout their time in the College in lots of different ways.
We encourage all our students to try something new while at Cambridge and to get involved in at least one activity that is nothing to do with their course.
There are plenty of opportunities to get involved with sports and fitness at Lucy Cavendish. We have a gym on site and we run free or subsidised exercise classes at the College including yoga. The state-of-the-art University Sports Centre is just up the road and we are close to the Rugby Club and Tennis Club too. There are lots of sports activities you can join at every level of experience and fitness. And if you are an accomplished sportsperson, chosen to represent the University in its top teams or playing at national squad level, we may be able help you financially with some of the expenses you will incur.
Read about Sports at Lucy

Health and Wellbeing
Your mental health is just as important to us as your physical health. In addition to our team of Tutors, Lucy Cavendish College has a dedicated Health and Wellbeing team, who can offer support, resources, and guidance to all students. The team includes a Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner, a Specific Learning Difficulties Practitioner and a College Nurse.
We also run mindfulness sessions, fun activities during the exam period, and a wide range of events. Our Library runs ‘elevenses’ and ‘threeses’ during term time with the opportunity to chat, relax and enjoy a free hot drink and biscuits – See our Library page for more details. We have a a Bye-Fellow in Multi-Faith support who visits once a week, and the University Counselling Service (UCS) supports students who are experiencing personal, relational or academic concerns. Our beautiful gardens are there for you to use as you wish.
Check our Health and Wellbeing page for all College provisions (raven login required)