Academic Support

Directors of Studies
During your time at Lucy Cavendish, you will be challenged academically. Each student is assigned a Director of Studies (DoS in Cambridge-speak) who will be your personal academic mentor during your time at Cambridge, overseeing your academic progress to help you realise your full academic potential. They will be a world-class academic in your field and will act as a link between your University Department and the College. For example, they help you to plan your course of study where you have a choice of papers, appoint your Supervisors, and give advice about dissertations and other academic matters.
Meet our Directors of Studies
Supervisions are at the heart of the Cambridge undergraduate experience, and (with the exception of Oxford) no other UK university offers such an intensive educational experience to its undergraduate students. Supervisions are arranged by College Directors of Studies and Lucy Cavendish prides itself on the quality of the supervisions it offers.
In a supervision, a small group, typically of one to four students, meets with a Supervisor each week to discuss a topic relevant to their course of study. Supervisors can be Fellows or Research Students of Lucy Cavendish College, or can be drawn from other colleges depending on the subject and the area of expertise required. Typically a Supervisor will set a piece of work at one supervision and ask for it to be submitted before the next meeting; the piece of work will then be reviewed and a new one set.
Supervisions provide a way for students to ask questions, explore their subject in depth with a subject expert and extend their knowledge of areas covered in lectures. Personal interests and enthusiasms can be explored, and any topics covered in lectures that have not been fully understood can be revisited to ensure a firm base for further learning.

Academic Skills
We want you to get the most out of your academic studies and ultimately the best results you can on your chosen Tripos. We run a special programme, open to all Lucy Cavendish students, which focuses on the skills, techniques, and approaches you need to perform really well academically.
Discover our academic skills programme
Pastoral Support

When you join us, you will be allocated a Tutor whose role is to support you for the duration of your course. Tutors can offer advice, direct you to relevant support agencies in Cambridge, help you apply for grants and bursaries, or sometimes just listen to any concerns you may have.
Lucy Cavendish College has a special team of first-year tutors who are very experienced in helping students thrive from the start of their time at Cambridge. Your tutor will help you set individual goals for the year and review them regularly.

Health and Wellbeing
In addition to our team of Tutors, Lucy Cavendish College has a dedicated Health and Wellbeing team, who can offer support, resources, and guidance to all students. The team includes a Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner, a Specific Learning Difficulties Practitioner and a College Nurse.
We also run mindfulness sessions, fun activities during the exam period, and a wide range of events.
University Counselling Service
The University Counselling Service provides free, confidential, professional counselling for students experiencing personal, relationship or identity problems. The service is staffed by a team of trained and accredited counsellors and therapists. who are all experienced in helping people from many different backgrounds and cultures, and with a wide range of issues.
Find out more about Student Counselling here
Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre
The Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre (ADRC) provides a confidential and accessible advice, information and guidance service for disabled students. They aim to increase access and attainment for disabled students through academic-related disability support and the application of the principles of inclusive design.
Find out more about applying to Cambridge as a disabled student
Careers Support
We understand that it is not only getting a great degree that is important, but what life holds after University too. Our bespoke careers initiative "Optimise your future" is run in close collaboration with the excellent University Careers Service (whose Director is one of our Fellows!), and offers students the chance to explore their future after graduation. The initiative includes access to a Careers Adviser in College, opportunities to engage with our alumni, and College careers events.
Find out more about careers support at Lucy Cavendish College
Thinking of studying with us?
Find out more about being a student at Lucy Cavendish College