We'd love to hear about the positive impact that Lucy has had on you!
In celebration of LucyGives Giving Week, we will build together a collage of photos and statements from members of our community. The collage will demonstrate the positive impact that Lucy has had upon our alumnae, students and friends.
We envisage that statements will detail the positive impact Lucy has had on you and/or the difference you are making (or hope to make) after Lucy.
A physical copy of the collage will be on display throughout LucyGives in the dining hall, Warburton Hall.
If you would like to feature on the collage, please send your photos and statements to Ella Barrett on ella.barrett@lucy.cam.ac.uk. We will then add these to the collage.
Photos: LucyGives 2020 college collage (above) and LucyGives 2020 statements (below).

What is LucyGives?
LucyGives Giving Week (25 April – 1 May 2022) is a 7-day campaign for a better, fairer future. Driven by the College community’s support in LucyGives 2020, Lucy Cavendish is forging ahead with its pioneering vision, welcoming the most socio-economically diverse year group admitted by any Cambridge college this academic year. But this is just the start.
Your support during LucyGives 2022 will help realise our ambitions to achieve a UK student population which is broadly representative of society by 2025, and to increase numbers of talented students from under-served communities across the globe. LucyGives will support the brightest minds from all backgrounds, enabling them to access a world-class university education and to graduate with the skills and confidence to make a positive impact in society. Through LucyGives, we will together ensure our College and its global mission remain at the vanguard of change at the University of Cambridge.