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The Celebrating Student Achievement Formal Hall honours our students’ academic excellence and contributions to college life.

Held at Lucy Cavendish College on 12 February 2025, the evening brought together students, Fellows, alumni, donors, and staff to celebrate excellence, hard work, and the supportive college community.

Prize winners were celebrated not only for their outstanding academic achievements but also for their contributions to the arts, sports, and the wider college community.

Reflecting on the occasion, Senior Tutor Dr Jane Greatorex, said: “This event highlights the remarkable talent, dedication, and diverse achievements of our students. Whether in academic excellence, extracurricular contributions, or community impact, their success is a source of great pride for the College. We are incredibly grateful to our alumni and donors for their continued support in helping the students thrive and reach their full potential."

For photos from the evening, see the slideshow below:

Complete list of the 2023-24 prizes

Alumni Association Prize for Graduate Excellence

Tim Luka Horstmann (Advanced Computer Science)

Alumni Association Prize for Contribution to the Arts

Reece D’Souza 

The Anita Rampling Prize for the student with the best results in their year group in Biological Natural Sciences

Emily Brown (II), Man Man Chng (IB), Zixuan Ru (IA) 

Annabelle Dixon Prize for the student(s) who has made the most of their time at Lucy Cavendish

Emily Brown, Kate Caspari, Anna Redfern 

The Baxter Prize for Academic Achievement in Archaeology

Benjamin Stratford 

The Beatriz Yeron Prize for Academic Achievement in Human, Social and Political Sciences

Elsie McDowell (I), Oscar Sharples (IIB), Rhea Toraskar (IIA)

Berti Sapir Medical Prize for the student with the best results in Clinical Stage Three (Final year)

Aminah Saaed

Dame Veronica Sutherland College Prize for Contributions to Lucy Rowing

Joshua Ripley

Emmeline Pankhurst Prize for Contribution to College Life

Timo Hromadka, Eli Tapnack

Gyll Moore Prize for a Student Gaining a First Class Degree, preferably in Arts or Humanities

Edward Sonin (Geography) 

Hua Sister Dissertation Prize for the best dissertation in Economics

Akrit Agarwal

Hua Sister Prize for Academic Achievement in Economics

Om Kela

Jackie Ashley Prize for best results in Politics

Alice Asquith (HSPS: Politics and International Relations) 

Jane Renfrew Prize for the best first year results in Arts and Humanities

James Fisher-Kearns (History and Politics)

Janet Todd Prize for Academic Excellence

Connor Macinnis (Film and Screen Studies)

Margaret Spufford Memorial Prize

Oscar Scott (Medieval History)

Marie Lawrence Prize(s) for First Class Results in Tripos

Vasilisa Adukonite (History of Art), Farah Aljazy (HSPS), Ariyan Balachandran (Economics), Skye Batchelor (Computer Science), Sonali Biswas (PBS), George Bond (AMES), Mercy Brewer (English), Niko Brewster (Architecture), Kate Caspari (Education), Anirudh Fadia (Chemical Engineering), Tianyi Fu (Natural Sciences), Daniel Green (History and Politics), Rebecca Hankins (Natural Sciences), Sam Hardy (Land Economy), Scott Hislop (Mathematics), Yue Hu (Natural Sciences), Aenghus Hughes (History), Zaynub Hussain (English), Agnes Jardin (PBS), Yasmine Kemp (History), Long-Hei Kwan (Physics), Chun Yin Isaac Lam (Computer Science), Caleb Lee (PBS), Anna Leow (Natural Sciences), Elliot Leupolz (Philosophy), Christopher Li (Engineering), De Li (Natural Sciences), Zhuohang Li (Education), Hongyan Lin (Engineering), Cameron McIntyre (History and Politics), Daniel Miller (English),  Yohan Min (Mathematics), Shaain Mohamed Rifath (Engineering), Nausicaa Ng (Natural Sciences), Wei Ng (Natural Sciences), Minju Park (HSPS), Maxwell Pettett (Computer Science), Anna Redfern (HSPS), Thomas Redfern Hughes (English), Moosa Saghir (Engineering), Rebecca Scott (Veterinary Sciences),  Natalie Seah (Law), Joseph Short (English), Ranjit Singh (Natural Sciences), Jinlong John Situ (Medicine), Ying-Shuen Tan (Land Economy), Eli Tapnack (TRPR), Wynn Tasker (HSPS), James Terry (Chemical Engineering), Cameron Thorner (History), Jacob Trevithick (Engineering), Jacob Tucker (English), Ruxandra Ursache (PBS), Anya Wakely (TRPR),  Patrick Wang (Architecture), Xinrong Wang (Economics), Mia White (Natural Sciences), Madeleine Whitmore (English), Chloe Wills (Natural Sciences), Beatrice Wood (English), Jianing Xing (Chemical Engineering), Chun Wai Yip (Economics), Yee Man Yiu (Engineering), Anthony Zhang (Mathematics), Zixi Zhang (Computer Science), Anthony Zhao (Mathematics), Si Zhu (PBS)

Myson College Exhibition for Personal Achievement

Akpomena Otemro

Senior Tutor’s Prize(s) for Sporting Blues

Oliver Anderson-Shah (Real Tennis), Enrique De Guzman-Ochoa (Golf), Emma James (Lacrosse), Harish Kang (Lacrosse), Megan Lee (Boat Club), Anna Leow (Fencing), Rachael Morgan (Golf), Timothy Somerset (Mountaineering), Natalia Villanueva (Volleyball) 

Simms Prize for Distinction Results

Noureldien Ali (Film and Screen), Ronel Buenaventura (MCL), Qibei Chen (TRPR), Tsz Him Chor (LLM), Ruben Dahan (Theoretical Physics), Alexandra Doherty (Health, Medicine & Society), Emma Draper (Criminology), Lennard Dufner (Theoretical Physics), Miriam Emefa Szah (Sociology), Jacob Edwards (TRPR), Philipp Ertl (Real Estate Finance), Grete Feldman (Linguistics), Rebecca Gatto (MBA), Josephine Gollin (Computational Biology), Xiaodi Guo (Finance & Economics), Joseph Hanrahan (Education), Seyed Hosseini (LLM), Timo Hromadka (Advanced Computer Science), Nikolaj Jensen (Advanced Computer Science), Ziyana Kotadia (Gender Studies), Muhammad Lahham (LLM), Youngmin Lee (Economics), Yijan Liang (Scientific Computing), Qingyun Liu (Development Studies), Javier López-Contreras González (Mathematics), Jingyi Luo (Economics), Pengzhao Lyu (Strategy, Marketing & Operations), Julia Marshall (Population Health), Samuel Martyn-Smith (Biological Sciences), Israel Mason-Williams (Advanced Computer Science), Andre Meyer (MBA), Taran Molloy (LLM), Matilde Muzzolini (Theoretical Physics), Nadia Novarena (MBA), Matthew Peters (LLM), Abhishek Ramnath (MBA), Gary Renahan (Education), Oliver Rodwell (Politics),  Caspar Schwann (Data Intensive Science), Mira Sheahan (History and Philosophy of Science), Or Shinar (MCL), Timothy Somerset (Computational Biology), Pedro Sousa (Advanced Computer Science), Edward Stocks (TRPR), Declan Sullivan (Criminology), Yu Sun (Education), Yilin Tang (Education), Koghanadhacharve Thinakaran (Population Health Sciences), Hin Cheong Tsang (Theoretical Physics), Lucie Vincendau (European Literature), Eirini Vryza (Philosophy), Nanxiang Wang (Statistics), Zewei Wei (Linguistics), Chengyao Xiao (Economics), Siddarth Yajaman (Scientific Computing), Youhuang Yang (Nanotechnology Enterprise), Michelle Yap (LLM), Yuxuan Zhang (Biological Sciences)