Lucy medical student gets published in the Annals of Medicine and Surgery
Lucy student Alannah Klein, a 5th year affiliated medic at Lucy, studied Anatomy and Cell Biology with a minor in Hispanic languages at McGill University in Montreal before moving to Cambridge to pursue a degree in Medicine. She has always been passionate about global and public health, especially looking at issues of access to and equality of care. She hopes to be able to combine her interests in global maternal and child health in a career in the field and across the world.
“The paper, in which I worked with another medical student colleague and paediatric consultant, is a small study that looked at barriers to accessing paediatric emergency guidelines in the context of a local NHS trust, and by providing tangible evidence has created an impetus to improve said access to guidelines for healthcare staff, with the ultimate goal of ameliorating patient outcomes.”
“The college and its donors very kindly awarded me a sum of money (College’s Travel, Conference & Research grant) to go towards the publication costs of this article so that it could be an open-access publication.”
The paper titled ‘Hospital intranet system is major barrier to paediatric clinical guideline use a cross-sectional single-centre survey of NHS doctors and nurses’ is available online at ScienceDirect.
About the Journal
The Annals of Medicine and Surgery is an online-only, peer-reviewed open access journal with a global outlook and focus on those training in medicine and surgery (postgraduate and undergraduate). AMS contains a mix of original clinical and basic science research, reviews, editorials, commentary, perspectives, debate, opinion, case reports and journal club reports.
About Elsevier
Elsevier is a Netherlands-based publishing company specialising in scientific, technical, and medical content, a leader in information and analytics for customers across the global research and health ecosystems.