Can Businesses Make Human Activity Sustainable?
Dr Neil Stott explains the role of community enterprise in sustainability in recently co-authored book chapter
Lucy Cavendish Fellow's co-authored paper features in special journal issue on ‘Black Business and Management History’
The collaborative work of Dr Neil Stott and Michelle Fava from Judge Business School reviewed the history of black and minority ethnic housing associations in England since the arrival of Commonwealth migrants. The paper is titled “Challenging racialised institutions: a history of BME housing associations in England between 1948 and 2018” and appears in a ‘first of its kind’ guest editorial for the Journal of Management History (JMH).
The purpose of this special issue, written by Leon Prieto of the College of Business at Clayton State University in Georgia and Simone Phipps of the School of Business at Middle Georgia State University, as stated, is to meet “the growing interest in this research area, especially since there has been a call in recent times to ‘decolonialise’ the curriculum”.
As explained in the issue, the paper by Stott and Fava “examined how marginalized, racialized groups have achieved and sustained institutional agency over time, through an exploration of the history of BME Housing Associations in England, describing the different types of ‘institutional work’ involved in challenging racialized institutions and establishing new institutions.”
Guest editorial: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JMH-06-2020-290/full/html
Paper: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JMH-08-2019-0053/full/html
About Dr Neil Stott
Dr Neil Stott is a Faculty (Professor level) in Management Practice, director of the Master of Studies in Social Innovation Programme and Co-Director of the Cambridge Centre for Social Innovation. Neil is a Fellow of the Inter University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society. In 2017, he won the University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor's Public Engagement with Research Award. Neil was Chief Executive of Keystone Development Trust until April 2015. Prior to KDT he worked in local government, charities and community projects.
Research Interests
Neil’s research interests include social innovation, social and community entrepreneurship and the history of social change organisations.
Dr Neil Stott explains the role of community enterprise in sustainability in recently co-authored book chapter
Neil’s appointment will advance research and understanding of social enterprises in the province